Miss Diana

Miss Diana

viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014

En of year celebration in Early Years

End of year Celebration! on PhotoPeach

 End of year Celebration! on PhotoPeach

The way we play and work together!

We love playing and working together! / 1st part on PhotoPeach

We love playing and working together! / 1st part on PhotoPeach

 We love playing and workins together! / 2nd part on PhotoPeach
 We love playing and workins together! / 2nd part on PhotoPeach

Clases de Español - 4to Bimestre

Aquí encontrarás algunas canciones, videos e historias de nuestras clases de Español y Grafomotricidad en estas últimas semanas.

Disfrútalas de nuevo!

 Juego del labertinto

What a funny 4th term!

Funny days on PhotoPeach
 Funny days on PhotoPeach

jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014

English Activities: 4th term

Hedgehogs, here you can find some of the nice videos, songs, slides and activities that we have learnt during these last weeks in our English classes. 

 You can sing and enjoy the activities at home with your parents and family. 

 Enjoy them again!

Let´s sing and dance!

 Funny links

miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014

lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2014


On September 19th our class visited the Planetary that arrives to our school. Pre-Kinder and Nursery children enjoyed so much the visit to the wonderful Planetary. Through this visit children learnt more about the planets and the solar system. 

This was a good opportunity to share with our classmates an unforgettable experience, talking with their classmates about this nice visit. 

Great job Hedgehogs! 

Planetary on PhotoPeach
 Planetary on PhotoPeach

domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2014

viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

English activities: weeks 6 to 9

Hedgehogs, here you can find some of the nice videos, songs, slides and activities that we have learnt during these last weeks in our English classes. 

 You can sing and enjoy the activities at home with your parents and family. 

 Enjoy them again!

Let´s sing and fun!

Learning phonics